Uber employee feared rape, and manager offered company health care, not help

Mike Isaac’s Super Pumped (p. 240) describes an experience of a female employee in Malaysia who noticed men following her from work, leading her to fear she would be raped.  She texted multiple people seeking help, including her manager, the local Uber general manager.  Rather than rush to the scene or call the police, the manager texted: “Don’t worry, Uber has great health care. We will pay for your medical bills.”

Disdain for drivers

Mike Isaac’s Super Pumped (p. 234) describes Uber leaders’ disdain for drivers.  As managers examined comments from drivers, “one manager expressed disgust with the spelling and grammatical errors the drivers included in their responses. ‘God, I can’t believe these people’s votes count the same as ours,” he quipped to his subordinates.”

Isaac also points out the high churn of drivers — how quickly drivers stop driving and don’t return.  As of early 2016, roughly a quarter of Uber’s drivers churned every three months — requiring the company to constantly seek other drivers.

Tracked riders after rides ended

Mike Isaac’s Super Pumped (p. 232) reports that at Travis Kalanick’s instruction, Uber began to track riders even after they had ended their rides.  Isaac describes no proper purpose for this tracking, but says Kalanick “wanted to gain insight into … where people went after getting dropped off.”

Ill will towards Lyft

Mike Isaac’s Super Pumped (p. 231) reports Travis Kalanick’s hostility towards competitor Lyft.  He reports:

Kalanick took pleasure in hurting [Lyft leaders] Green and Zimmer, and showed them no mercy.

Isaac continues (p. 230): “He wanted to professionally humiliate [Zimmer].”

Otto was a sham to transfer employees and know-how from Google

Mike Isaac’s Super Pumped (p. 228) indicates that the transition of Anthony Levandowski and other colleagues at Google’s self-driving program, from Google to Otto, was a sham designed to streamline their transition to Uber.  He explains that Levandowski created Otto “as if he were interested in pursuing his own trucking startup” (emphasis added).  Otto’s discussion with venture capitalists were, Isaac says, “mostly for appearance’s sake.”  Uber’s acquisition of Otto was, Isaac says, effectively preordained.